
Learning to walk with God is something we do throughout our lives.

Our goal here at BCRC is to provide growth and learning opportunities for every stage in life.
We encourage you to explore these offerings with the goal of finding a place to
learn, grow, gain friendships and support, and offer your friendship to others.



Children’s Ministries

BCRC Playgroup

This is an open gym/playgroup for parents and grandparents of preschoolers or younger. We have different centers/activities/themes each week to keep it new and exciting for the children. Occasionally we meet at a local park for outdoor play. Snacks are provided for the children and coffee for adults. This is a time of fun and active play for the children with fellowship for the parents. Come when you can and bring a friend or two. Volunteer helpers are welcome. Join our Facebook Group to keep up to date.

1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays, 9:30am – 11:30am
September - May
Family Life Center Gym

Children’s Worship

Young Children’s Worship is available for children ages 3 through 3rd grade. Children begin the adult worship service with their parents and are released to the Children’s Worship Center after an opening time with adults. The worship is led by an adult Story Teller with the aid of helpers. The experience is designed to introduce children to elements of worship (having a special place for worship, receiving a greeting, presenting their gifts, praising God through music, preparing their hearts to experience God, experiencing God through His stories, a time of response to His word, a time of thanksgiving and feast, receiving a closing blessing). Children’s Worship follows the church calendar.

Sunday Mornings, all year
Children’s Worship Room

Sunday School
Preschool (age 4) – 5th grade

Using “Children Desiring God” curriculum, we seek to equip the body of Christ to spread to the next generations a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ. Our aim is to impart to children a vision of God, who He is, and who we are in relation to Him, and to establish them with a foundation of doctrine and truth. We want them biblically grounded, seeing God as the hero of every story, with a God-centered world view and a faith that will hold them when the days of testing come. We want them to love the Lord their God with all their heart, and to delight in Him forever.

Sunday Mornings, 11:15am-12:00pm
September - April
Family Life Center

GEMS Club for Girls

GEMS is an acronym which stands for Girls Everywhere Meeting their Savior. Although Gems was founded by a member of the Christian Reformed Church over 50 years ago, Gems clubs exist in Reformed, Presbyterian and in other Bible-believing denominational and non-denominational churches in the USA and throughout the world. It is a relationship based and relationship building club created especially for girls in grades 1 – 8. The mission of the club is to help bring girls into a living , dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.

Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:20pm
September - April
GEMS Club House

Cadets for Boys

A ministry for boys, (grades 1 – 8), Cadets trains boys in what it means to live the life required of us as Christians. To do this we have one counselor for every six to seven boys. Our meetings usually consist of a devotional time, a time for earning merit badges by doing projects, and often a time for games. We also have 3 to 4 campouts per year where fathers are encouraged to join in the fun of tent camping, archery, marksmanship, and many other activities.

Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:20pm
September - April
Cadet Club House


Youth Ministries

Middle School

Our Middle School Youth Group for 6th – 8th grade students uses a variety of ways to focus on growing in love for each other and for God. Sunday night meetings are always different, combining learning, structured games, a meal, and time for just hanging out together. In addition to our Sunday meetings, we provide activities of service, learning, and fun. There is something here for everyone, so come join us.

Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:20pm
September - April
Family Life Center Youth Room

High School

The High School Youth Group aims to be a comfortable place where students are nurtured and equipped to become spiritually mature adults, exalting Christ and glorifying God throughout their lives. Wednesday night meetings are a safe, fun, and yet focused time where we spend time digging into the Bible, talking to God in prayer, singing together, and enjoying each others’ company. Through the Wednesday night meetings and other opportunities for service and learning, the leaders provide a place where all high school students, regardless of background or biblical knowledge, are welcome and are challenged to grow.

Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:20pm
September - April
Family Life Center Youth Room

Sunday Catechism

Catechism classes are available for all middle school and high school students. During this time, teachers bring students to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the doctrines and truths of the Bible, so that they will be transformed by God’s Word and in turn will transform their world.

Sunday Mornings, 11:15am-12:00pm
September - April
Family Life Center


Adult Ministries

Adult Sunday Classes

All adults are welcome to join one of our Sunday classes where we spend time studying the truths and doctrines of the Bible. Together we seek to better understand what we believe and why we believe it. Childcare is available for nursery-aged children.

Sunday mornings, 11:15am-12:00pm
September - April
Family Life Center


Prayer Group

Believing that God moves His timeless agenda through the work of prayer and the preaching of His Word, the group meets weekly to focus on praise, thanksgiving, confession, and interceding. We share needs that have been brought to our attention in order to harmonize our praying in one accord. We sing to help us express our heart’s desire and we give God the glory. All request are confidential and we find it a humbling thing to bring people to the Lord in prayer.

Sunday mornings, 9:30-9:50am
and Tuesday mornings, 8:30-9:30am
Family Life Center, Room 4

Tuesday Morning
Women’s Bible Study

Welcome! We are a group of women who meet on Tuesday mornings to have coffee, fellowship, and Bible study together. We use a study guide and divide into groups for study time. Our purpose is to learn more about what the Bible says to us and how we can apply it to our daily living and also to grow in our relationship to Jesus Christ.

Tuesday mornings, 9:30am
Ends March 14 
Family Life Center

Coffee Break Bible Study

We invite all women to join us for an evening of Bible study and fellowship as we discover the powerful book of Ruth! This book of the Bible shows what can happen when people take God at his word. Come along with us on this journey as Ruth and Naomi face overwhelming obstacles and significant heartache; see what God can do when you put your trust in him.


Wednesday evening, 6:45-8:15pm
Feb 8 - March 8
Family Life Center, Room 3

Men’s Bible Study

Men are invited to gather weekly on Thursday mornings for small group bible study and discussions. Coffee provided!

Thursday mornings, 8:00-9:00am
Family Life Center, Room 10

Monday Evening Bible Study

Need an evening opportunity to study God’s Word and build connections within the body of Christ? A twice monthly (2nd and 4th from January 23 – May 22), Monday evening adult Bible study, will begin on January 23 at 6:30 pm, at the home of Cooper and Sarah Wyatt. We will be studying Galatians.
Questions, call Cooper!

(See directory for contact information)

Monday evenings, 6:30pm
Wyatt Residence