Here at BCRC, we have seven local ministry partners. If you are interested in being involved in these ministries, please contact us!
Anchor House serves international seafarers by providing needed supplies, access to the internet, Bibles, Christian literature, worship time, and more. Port Workers can also stop at the center for a meal, devotions and support.
Bridge a Life is a new ministry partner for BCRC, providing Christ-centered hope for children with relational trauma through awareness and family support. Bridge A Life works with the foster care community to fill the gaps in services with meals, parents night out, Care Portal, home repairs and more!
Guardian Angels provides safe, loving Christian homes to children placed in the foster care system in Manatee and surrounding counties. They accomplish this by partnering with Florida Baptist Children’s Homes-One More Child, to recruit, train, license, mentor, and support foster parents through traditional foster homes and several Foster Family Homes located on their Manasota Campus.
J316 Ministries partners with churches and mission organizations for soccer and basketball camps during the summer. During the school year they partner with local churches and organizations for Saturday soccer, adopt-a-blocks, and ministries to the homeless. J316 Ministries also serves on campus at IMG Academy in Bradenton as a volunteer chaplaincy program for their student athletes.
Loving Hands Ministries is a 24 month Christ-centered residential program for young men, 18 and older, who have life-controlling addictions. Loving Hands serves as God's hands of love in action by providing educational, vocational, and discipleship training programs. Loving Hands currently has 3 campuses: Palmetto, Dade City and one in Georgia. You can also support Loving Hands by donating to and shopping at their Manatee Ave E. thrift store.
Solve is a faith based non-profit that provides cost-free maternity housing and support for at-risk pregnant women. In addition to housing, Solve provides case management, counseling, classes, transportation, and baby supplies to their residents. Solve currently has 4 residential group homes in Manatee and Sarasota counties. The Evolve Program for Solve graduates provides additional support for 1-2 years.
Suncoast Youth for Christ reaches young people (ages 11-19) everywhere (schools, neighborhoods, detention centers, correctional facilities, group homes, residential treatment centers, emergency shelters), with the goal are raising up life long followers of Jesus. This is done through the 180 House, Campus Life, Parent Life, the Juvenile Justice ministry and more.