Opportunities for Adults at BCRC

Prayer Group

Sunday Prayer Gathering - All ages are welcome to join in prayer as we meet 30 minutes prior to the morning service in the Family Life Center (FLC), to pray for our pastors and our congregation. This prayer group meets year round; please come when you are able!

Tuesday Morning Prayer Group meets weekly. Join us as we pray for our pastors, staff, congregational needs, our community and our world. This group meets year round; come when you are able!


Bible Studies

Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study (winter season) meets Tuesday mornings from October to March. All women are invited to join us as we seek to grow through God’s word.    

Men’s Bible Study meets year-round on Thursday mornings. All men are invited to join us as we study through various books of the Bible, followed by an off-campus fellowship breakfast.

Coffee Break Women’s Bible Study meets Thursday mornings. Coffee Break is for all women, whether new to studying the Bible or a more experienced Christian. 

Age Specific Groups

Young Adult Bible Study meets at 6:30 PM after the evening service. They begin with a meal, fellowship, followed by a time of Bible Study and prayer.

Young Adult Ministry (college age adults and young professionals ages 18-35) meets the quarterly each month for fun and fellowship activities.


S.A.L.T. Senior Adults Living Triumphantly (Senior Fellowship 60+) gathers together for a program, fellowship and a meal on the 2nd Saturday of each month.


BCRC has 7 committees run by volunteers to assist in the life and ministry of the church. Each committee is made up of an elder and/or deacon representative, a chairperson, and several committee members from the congregation. If you are a member and would like to get more involved in the work of the church, please reach out to us! Here are the committees at BCRC:

  • Education
  • Faith Promise (supports worldwide missions and local ministry partners)
  • Outreach (connect BCRC members to local community)
  • Fellowship
  • Property
  • Tuition Assistance Committee (TAC - works with member families that need financial assistance in sending their children to Bradenton Christian School)
  • Worship
  • Information Technology Committee (IT)