Who We Are

We are a family. We come together to celebrate God’s love, to learn how to live in His presence, to teach His Word, to commit ourselves to one another and to God, and to grow into a reflection of the person and nature of Jesus Christ.
We are part of the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) denomination, which is made up of nearly a thousand churches in the United States and Canada. You may have seen our church logo – a cross in a triangle. The triangle represents the Trinity, our belief in one God we know as three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The cross symbolizes our belief in Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross for our salvation. If you want to know more about our denomination and its ministries you may visit CRCNA.org.
We are committed to Christian Day Schools. Members of BCRC founded Bradenton Christian School (BCS) in 1960 and we continue to support the school and families of our congregation who desire a Christian education for their children. For more information on BCS, please visit BCSPanthers.org. — We also support our denominational liberal arts college, Calvin College, and Calvin Seminary both located in Grand Rapids, Mich.
Our Vision

The vision of Bradenton Christian Reformed Church consists of three things: to increase our love for God’s Word, to be faithful in prayer, and to stress the importance of fellowship with God and with one another.

We did not glean this vision from church growth experts or current mega-church methods. Rather, this vision of Word, prayer and fellowship comes from the explosive growth of the early Christian church. Actually, this vision of Word, prayer, and fellowship is found in connection with one of the fastest growing churches in history.

When the Holy Spirit was poured out on Pentecost the result was that three-thousand believers were added to the church in one day. Directly following, we read that “they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching [God’s Word] and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). In our commitment to Scripture, prayer and fellowship we believe that God will continue to transform our lives, his Church, and this community.